Arizona Desert

As a painter, what I love most about Arizona is the sky, it is an ever-changing kaleidoscope of luminous clouds and unbelievable blue colors. Vibrant ecosystems, vivid colors and diverse wildlife thrive in this sunniest of locations. The huge green columns are known as saguaros.

The saguaros are imbedded in their traditions of the O’odham peoples who have lived in their environment for centuries Saguaros dot the landscape and also are found in forests them. In the United States the saguaros commonly can reach 40 feet (12 meters) in height and some have measured at 60 feet (18 meters) and even taller.

The Conversation

The quality of your communication is the quality of your life. -Anthony Robbins

Farmhouse at the foot of the Tetons, Wyoming


Oakland Bay, California

Southern California will always seem like home to me as I spend my childhood in Los Angeles, and a wonderful part of my family live just south of San Francisco.

Rawah Lake

Roosevelt National Park in the Rocky Mountain National Park

At the moment, most of my art work is available in print, please follow the button on this page to see all work avail for purchase. Watch for new original art available for purchase direct from this website.


There is beauty everywhere and I love to slow down and take in what surrounds me. I have a couple of collections and images to enhance your environment;

Eurasian Dancers

“There are many roads which lead to God" Jalaluddin Rumi, the famous, 13th century Sufi Muslim mystic told his disciples. The whirling dervish started as a form of meditation and it is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi path, the participants are properly known as semazen.